Friday, November 19, 2010

Strategies for Scaling up of SRI

  • Identification of potential villages for Rabi:
List out the villages where we can take up SRI by considering following factors:
A.      Villages with considerable area (40 – 50 Acres) under bore well irrigation
B.      Villages where already SRI is implemented by SERP or any NGO or dept of Agriculture

·         Adoption by functionaries:

Adoption by functionaries (VA/CA/CRP) is critical for scaling up of SRI. List out all VA/CAs who’s land is under bore well. Ensure that this VAs/CAs practice SRI in their own fields.

·         Manufacturing and supply Weeders:

Explore local agriculture officers and JDAs for availability of weeders. If sufficient number is not available with department, then identify 3-5 good artisans in your district for manufacturing weeders and supply to the SRI villages. Ensure timely supply of sufficient number of weeders (one weeder for every three acres).

·         Community SRI Nurseries:

Identify ½ - 1 acre of land for nursery, where majority of farmers willing to adopt SRI. We can grow one nursery for 5-10 Acrs. This is important as SRI require small nurseries and intensive care required at nursery stage.

·         Capacity building for farmers and workers:

Organise introductory training programs for identified farmers in the village itself and on field training for workers and farmers.  

·         Pamphlets on SRI methods:

Produce pamphlets on principles of SRI in simple language and supply it all identified farmers

·         Screening of films in VO and SHG meetings:
Ensure screening of films produced already on SRI in identified villages as part of capacity building programs in addition to screening in VO and SHG meetings

·         Innovations and flexibility for modifications:
Allow farmers to innovate and adopt modification in SRI, without compromising on basic principles of SRI.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Frequently Asked Queastions on Sustainable Agriculture

1. How is Non-pesticide Management (NPM) different from Integrated Pest Management (IPM)?
Both NPM and IPM are part of the system of sustainable agriculture; however, they differ in their stance toward the use of chemical pesticides. NPM includes all the agronomical practices recommended by IPM, but strictly forbids the use of chemical pesticides. IPM promotes chemical pesticides only as a last resort; however, if the extension network is weak at the village and farmer level, the only message that often gets through is about the use of pesticides. The NPM approach is based on the logic that even one spray of chemicals will kill beneficial insects and upset the ecological balance of a farming system. 
NPM uses pest management practices that are based on local natural resources. It promotes understanding the pest life cycle as a key for pest management. Through Farmer Field Schools (FFS), local farmers take decisions on management practices and learn ecologically sound methods of pest management. The main objective is to bring sustainability to agriculture based livelihoods.
2. Is the neem currently available in the country sufficient to meet NPM requirements?
Neem’s role as a pest repellant, as a fertilizer, and a soil amendment is well recognized; however there are 100 other botanicals that are locally available and that can be used as a substitute for neem. These are well documented and in use effectively in Andhra Pradesh. Hence there is no constraint in availability of non-chemical pest repellants. Finally, when NPM is scaled up significantly, the NPM strategy will also include undertaking plantation of these 100 or more botanicals.   
3. Is the low external input Sustainable Agriculture different from Integrated Nutrient Management (INM) and organic farming?
The basic difference between INM and Sustainable Agriculture (SA) is in understanding soil, soil fertility, ploughing back crop residues, dung, and the role of earthworms. The main focus in INM /organic farming is external supply of nutrients to plants rather than releasing fixed nutrients that are available in the soil. For instance, INM recommends external vermi-compost but it ignores the role of native earthworms in the soil, so it is not focusing on reactivating local earthworms in the soil which is critical for tropical countries. In organic farming, stopping fertilizer application leads to a sudden drop in yields and the produce has to secure premium rates to compensate for yield loss. On a large scale this approach can lead to food security problems. In SA, yields do not drop as fertilizer reduction is gradual and it is coupled with the application of tank silt, ploughing back crop residues, mulching, dung based inoculants, and the application of azolla in paddy fields, etc.  The use of azolla in paddy fields can reduce by 50 percent the amount of urea now applied, in one stroke. Our experience in the field has shown that azolla can totally meet the requirements of nitrogen without any need for external urea application.
SA considers soil as a living organism and a bank for crop nutrients. The focus is on building soil microbial activity. Every crop removes substantial amount of nutrients, but the formation of the grain only takes 15 percent of those nutrients. The remaining 85 of nutrients are used to growth the entire plant. We as consumers have a right only over the grain from these plants. It is our recommendation that crop residues be returned to the soil either directly or through the animal route during the crop period.
4. Are resources, particularly dung and urine, available and are they sufficient to meet the requirements of sustainable agriculture?
As indicated above, plants remove considerable amounts of nutrients from the soil during their life cycle. Grains remove approximately 15 percent of the total nutrients and rest of the plant remove balance 85 percent. If farmers reduced the amount of grain cultivated and consumed, and return the crop residues to the soil directly—through composting, mulching, or animal fertilizers—to maintain fertility of the soil, then they only need to replenish 15 percent of nutrients, which were removed by the grains. For this 15 percent replenishment the farmers should activate soil microbes, earthworms, which will release the nutrients available in the soil. The dung and urine play this role by activating microbes, etc. This makes the soil a living body. Thus the traditional view of animal dung in terms of plant nutrients—that it only holds a fraction of the nitrogen needed—is no longer valid. Dung and urine in small quantities catalyze microbial activity in the soil. It is estimated that a cow or a buffalo can serve 15-30 acres based on the local situation.
5. If we switch over to SA what is the impact on food security? Food grain output?
Our experience of the last four years reveals that this kind of intervention does not affect food security at any level. Further, it brings diversified food and nutritional security at the household level and, more importantly, it brings food sovereignty. Small and marginal farm holdings are key to food security, and this technology is “small-holder friendly”. In fact, many small farmers who had moved out of agriculture are coming back to agriculture.
A quick study of 114 farmers from four districts in Andhra Pradesh, revealed that there is no yield reduction in paddy, even with reduced fertilizer application. This applies to dry land crops also.
Sample Crop: Paddy

Quick Study
Standardised to 100 acres
Percent reduction in fertilizers
Number of districts
No of farmers
Under NPM with Low Fertilizers
Area in acres
Urea in quintals
DAP in quintals
Others in quintals
Yield in quintals
Under NPM with Normal Dose of Fertilizers
Area in acres
Urea in quintals
DAP in quintals
Others in quintals
Yield in quintals

In the case of dry lands, diversified and poly-crop models ensure food security. It increases yield frequency and provides regular income to farmers. At any time of the year, some crop is ready for harvest and therefore supplies food to the kitchen. Crop diversity provides a range of crops, which provides nutritional security to families.
6. What are the existing institutions available to implement this kind of intervention? 
In Andhra Pradesh, women’s Self Help Groups (SHGs) provide the best platform for these interventions. In addition, farmer groups and commodity interest groups also can be explored, and S.E.R.P began facilitating the evolution of farmers groups in 2008/09– with both men and women. At the village level there will be a village level farmer federation (VLFF), which will be closely linked to the village woman S.H.G. federation. Each VLFF consists of all practising SA farmers. Each household will be represented by 2 members – a man and a woman farmer. The VLFF will federate into the Mandal level farmer federation (MLFF) and at the district (Zilla) Level as the District level farmer federation (DLFF). At each level, the farmer federation will work closely with the corresponding SHG federation.

7. What kinds of partnerships are needed?  
Partnerships amongst women SHGs, farmer groups, government agencies, and NGOs are needed.
8. What kind of human resources required? 
The shortage of quality human resources at the local rural level is an acute problem. Existing agriculture science graduates can be given orientation/immersion on this approach at the community level and used as facilitators. Our experience has show, however, that the best way to transfer technology and scale up is through best practicing farmers (Community Resource Persons).
9. What are the financial requirements to implement this kind of interventions?
The first investment is on institution building—grassroots organizations and their federations.  If a platform is available, then financial support is only needed for capacity  building. There are no input subsidies. Based on our experience, on an average Rs.1800/ha/yr is required over a period of five years. In comparison, we spend Rs.10,000/ha on fertilizer subsidies alone at present. For instance in a typical village with 400 ha of cropped area, estimated savings on pesticides and fertilisers to farmers can be seen in the table below.
10. What are the returns to farmers using SA? It is a viable approach?
In SA (using NPM), all of the inputs are internalized, so the cost of cultivation comes down drastically. The range of savings on pesticides is from Rs. 2,000/ha to 37,500/ha, depending on the crop. The total savings for 270,000 ha is Rs. 150.4 crores. The savings on fertilizers ranges from Rs. 3,750/ha to Rs. 5,100/ha. The savings on the cost of cultivation to farmers and on subsidies to the Government of India can be seen in the table below. Our experience shows that SA is more viable, especially for small-holder farmers than chemical/organic agriculture.

Area in ha under CMSA
Savings on pesticides @Rs.5400/ha
Area under fertiliser savings
Savings on fertilisers
Savings to farmers in Rs.
Savings to GOI on fertiliser subsidy
Year 1
Year 2
Year 3
Year 4
Year 5
Total Savings


11. What kind of market linkages are required for SA?
All inputs are available locally hence there is no need for external linkages to input markets. The fundamental objective of SA is to provide healthy food, healthy crops, healthy soil, and healthy life. The bulk of the production is meant first to ensure food security locally, so elaborate output marketing linkages are generally not required. The existing market linkages for non-NPM produce are, in any case, available for NPM produce. If a farmer group or federation decides to fetch a premium price in larger markets from its marketable surplus, then it will need special links to certify it as pesticide free and to ensure proper post harvest practices. This is being done for chilies and paddy, already, so the lessons can applied to other crops. Our experience has shown that even if no premium is given, SA is still profitable and sustainable. 
12. How can SA be scaled up?
Scaling up of this kind of initiative essentially requires strong grassroots institutions of farmers, including women farmers. It also requires a strong sensitive support network like SERP and the NGOs supporting CMSA in Andhra Pradesh. All the essential elements—such as extension and program management—should be lead by the communities. The critical factors for successfully scaling-up are the institutional structure and capacity building. These are more important than the supply of inputs on a subsidized basis to individuals.
13. What are the components of capacity building for SA?   
Capacity building for SA should include both technical and program management. Technical aspects of the capacity building should include life cycles of pests, and enabling climatic condition for disease prevalence, farming systems, sustainable usage of resources, maximizing output from a unit land area. Program management largely includes management of the extension system (e.g., farmer field schools) and how to manage the finance of the farmer SHGs and federation.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

NPM Protocols for Selected Crops


Pest and Disease management:

Non – Negotiables for Paddy:

·         Deep summer ploughing: Summer ploughing exposes the pupae surviving inside the soil. Depth of ploughing should be more than 6 inches. Exposed pupae will die due to excess heat (or) eaten away by birds
·         Seed treatment:
A.    Take 2 lts. of Cow urine, 1 kg of cow dung and 1kg of live soil (putta matti) mix thoroughly with seeds and dry in shade for 1 hour, later these seeds can be sown in nursery bed
B.     Dip the paddy seedlings in solution consists of 2 lts of cow urine, 1 kg. of cow dung, 1 kg of soil, 105 gms of Acetofida and10 lts. Water
·         Clipping of the tips: Cut seedling tips while transplanting into the main field. This will prevent Stem borer attack as Stem borer lays eggs on the tips of the leaves.
·         Alleys: Leaving 1 feet path at every 3 mts interval in East –West direction will avoid attack of Hoppers.
·         White and Yellow sticky traps: Arrange 15-20 Yellow and White sticky traps per acre. Green leaf hoppers and thrips stick to these traps. Clean these traps once in two days and add sticky material to traps for effective trapping. Height of these traps should be the same with the plant height.  
·         Bird perches: Arrange 10-15 bird perches per acre immediately after transplanting and remove these at grain filling stage (60 days after transplanting). Bird perches will attract birds and birds will eat pests. Broad costing of yellow rice will attract more birds. Height of bird perches should be more than the height of plants.
·         Pheromone traps: Keeping 5-10 Pheromone traps in zigzag way to mass trapping of Stem borers. Lure has to be changed once in a month or after the expiry date    
·         Application of Botanical extracts: If all the above mentioned principles are followed religiously, there will not be any need to apply botanical extracts. However list of pests and botanical extracts

Non – Negotiables in Disease Management:

·         Selection of Seed: Seed should be free from diseases and should select resistant varieties
·         Incorporating weeds: Weeds and other voluntary plants should incorporate into soil  
·         Reduce/no chemical fertilizer usage: Reduce (or) avoid chemical fertilizers to prevent diseases
·         Crop rotation: Rotate crops particularly with pulses to prevent disease spread
·         Avoid application of Nitrogenous fertilizer during cloudy days
·         Alleys: Alleys provide enough sunlight and wind flow and prevent disease spread
Non – Pesticide Management in Paddy:
·         Rodent control:  
C.     Use Rodent traps – 5-10 per acre
D.    Keep Papaya peaces all-around the field – four Papayas are sufficient for one acre
E.      Rodent repellent crops such as Calotropis, Turmeric, Castor plants which are rodent repellants
F.       Keep mix of Cement and Wheat or any other flour at rat holes
·         Sucking pests: Sucking pests such as Green leaf hopper, Thrips, Gall midge and Gundhi bug, can be effectively controlled by spray Neemasthram (or) spray 5 % NSKE solution (5 kg neem cake in 100 lts. Water) 2 times with 7 days interval.
·         Stem borer (white ear heads): Spray 5 % NSKE solution (or) Neemasthram 2 times with 7 days interval. After stem borer attack spray 3 lts. Of Agniasthram in 100 lts. of water Per acre. Add 2 quintals Holarrhena pubescens (conessi) leaf in final ploughing. Addition of orange fruit skin to soil  also control this pest
·         Leaf folder: Pull thorny bush on crop, so that folded leaf can get unfolded, spray Neemasthram 2 times with 7days interval on the folded leaf
·         Brown plant hopper: Spray 1-2 lts. Neem oil or broad cast Neemasthram with 20 kg sand per acre. Water level in the field should not cross ½ inch.
·         Rice Gundhi bug: Collect 200-300 gundhi bugs during morning time grind and filter in 100 lts. Water and spray. 
·         Cut worm: For managing Cutworm, spray Chilli and Garlic extract or 3 lts. of Brahmasthram with 100 lts. Water.
·         For managing Hispa spray 5 % NSKE solution or Neemasthram 2 times with 7 days interval.
·         Paddy blast: Blast causes spindle shape spots and damages leaves and neck of the panicle, as a precautionary measure spray cow dung & cow urine and Acetofida solution or Neemasthram or 6 lts. Fermented buttermilk with 100 lts. Water per acre.
·         Bacterial leaf blight: Due to Bacterial leaf blight, leaf dries from top to bottom and in the field plants dry in groups. As a precautionary measure spray cow dung & cow urine and Acetofida solution, after occurrence of disease spray Neemasthram.
·         Paddy sheath blight: Due to Sheath blight long spots appear on the plant, as a precautionary measure spray cow dung & cow urine and Acetofida solution, after occurrence of disease spray Neemasthram.
·         Stem rot: Due to stem rot leaves become into yellow colour and number of tillers reduces, and the plant get break at stem portion .black spots appear on the leaf sheath, inter nodes also get rotten. As a precautionary measure spray cow dung & cow urine and Inguva solution, after occurrence of disease spray Neemasthram.
·         Sheath rot: Sheath rot causes spots on boot leaf and damages, so panicle gets rotten so panicle initiation does not take place. As a precautionary measure spray cow dung & cow urine and Acetofida solution, after occurrence of disease spray Neemasthram.
·         Rice tungro virus: Due to Tungro virus plants become stunted, reduce tiller number, tips of the leaves get dried, panicle doesn’t appear, small ear heads appear, chaffy grains form. This disease is transmitted by green leaf hoppers, for managing GLH arrange yellow sticky traps 15-20 per care and ensure that trap is having sticky material. Spray Neemasthram or 5 % NSKE solution 2 times with 7 days interval. For managing virus spray 6 lts. Raw milk with 100 lts. Water.

Nutrient Management:

·         Penning with Sheep (or) Cattle: Penning with Sheep (or) cattle will improve soil fertility. During Summer, penning of sheep and cattle in the whole night is a general practice
·         Tank silt application: Application of tank silt will improve soil fertility and water holding capacity
·         Application Farm Yard Manure (FYM): Application of 6 tones of completely decomposed FYM per acre will improve soil fertility.       
·         Green manure crops: Green manure crops will improve soil structure and organic matter content. After reaching flowering stage incorporate green manure crops into soil.   
·         Application of Azolla: Add Azolla to paddy field it fixes atmospheric nitrogen, an average half of the nitrogen fertilizer application can be reduced
·         Micronutrient deficiency: For nutrient deficiency (Iron, Zinc and Potash) in nursery and in main field spray cow urine and cow dung and Acetofida solution.
Red Gram

Non- Negotiables for Red gram:

·         Deep summer ploughing: Summer ploughing exposes the pupae surviving inside the soil. Depth of ploughing should be more than 6 inches. Exposed pupae will die due to excess heat (or) eaten away by birds
·         Community bonfires: Immediately after the first shower (one inch rain fall) mass bonfires in the fields attract adults of Red hairy caterpillars particularly   
·         Growing of trap crops: Grow yellow flower Marigold (tall growing plants are preferred) and Castor around field, ensure flowering before main crop completes vegetative stage
·         Border crop: Sow 3 rows of tall growing Jowar or Bajra or Maize (without any gap in the row). This will provide enabling environment for friendly insects and it also prevents
·         Seed treatment: Take ½ lt. of Cow urine, 250 gms of cow dung and 250 gms. of living Soil (putta matti) mix thoroughly and mix to 5-6 kg seeds, after thorough mixing dry in shade
·         White and Yellow sticky traps: Arrange 15-20 Yellow and White sticky traps per acre. Green leaf hoppers and thrips stick to these traps. Clean these traps once in two days and add sticky material to traps for effective trapping. Height of these traps should be the same with the plant height. 
·         Bird perches: Arrange 10-15 bird perches per acre immediately after transplanting and remove these at grain filling stage (60 days after transplanting). Bird perches will attract birds and birds will eat pests. Broad costing of yellow rice will attract more birds. Height of bird perches should be more than the height of plants.
·         Pheromone traps: Keeping 5-10 Pheromone traps in zigzag way to mass trapping of Stem borers. Lure has to be changed once in a month or after the expiry date   
·         Application of botanical extracts: If all the above mentioned principles are followed religiously, there will not be any need to apply botanical extracts. However list of pests and botanical extracts

Non – Pesticide Management in Red gram:

·         After flower initiation arrange Pheromone traps (5-7) per acre, for mass trapping of Heliothis
·         For managing heliothis spray 3 lts. of Bhramasthram with 100 lts. of water.
·         For sucking pests (aphids) management spray Neemasthram or spray 5 % NSKE solution 2 times with 7 days interval.

Disease Management:

·         Wilt: Use resistant varieties for wilt disease. Apply 1-2 quintals of neem cake per acre
·         Leaf spots: For managing all kinds of leaf spots and fungal diseases spray 6 lts. Fermented butter milk with 100 lts. Of water.
·         Mosaic: Growing resistant varieties; for managing mosaic virus transmitting bug spray tobacco leaf extract.
·         For managing bug spray 5 % NSKE solution or Neemasthram or tobacco leaf extract.
·         For managing virus spray 6 lts. raw milk with 100 lta of water.

Nutrient Deficiency Management practices:

·         Potash and phosphorous deficiencies are common in red gram. For all kinds of nutrient deficiencies spray cow dung and cow urine solution.

Non Negotiables in Cotton:  

·         Deep summer ploughing: Summer ploughing exposes the pupae surviving inside the soil. Depth of ploughing should be more than 6 inches. Exposed pupae will die due to excess heat (or) eaten away by birds
·         Growing of trap crops: Grow yellow flower Marigold (tall growing plants are preferred) and Castor around field, ensure flowering before main crop completes vegetative stage
·         Border crop: Sow 3 rows of tall growing Jowar or Bajra or Maize (without any gap in the row). This will provide enabling environment for friendly insects and it also prevents
·         Seed treatment: Take ½ lt. of Cow urine, 250 gms of cow dung and 250 gms. of living Soil (putta matti) mix thoroughly and mix to 5-6 kg seeds, after thorough mixing dry in shade
·         White and Yellow sticky traps: Arrange 15-20 Yellow and White sticky traps per acre. Green leaf hoppers and thrips stick to these traps. Clean these traps once in two days and add sticky material to traps for effective trapping. Height of these traps should be the same with the plant height. 
·         Bird perches: Arrange 10-15 bird perches per acre immediately after transplanting and remove these at grain filling stage (60 days after transplanting). Bird perches will attract birds and birds will eat pests. Broad costing of yellow rice will attract more birds. Height of bird perches should be more than the height of plants.
·         Pheromone traps: Keeping 5-10 Pheromone traps in zigzag way to mass trapping of boll worms. Lure has to be changed once in a month or after the expiry date   

Non – Pesticide Management in Cotton:

·         Sucking pests: For managing different kinds of sucking pests spray 5 % NSKE solution (5 kg neem seed or 5 kg neem leaves in 100 lts. water). Immediately after germination of crop arrange 10-15 Yellow and White sticky traps per acre at 1 feet height.
·         Red spider mite: For managing, spray 2 lt. tobacco leaf extract( 2 lt. tobacco leaf extract with 100 lt. water ) ensure that bottom of leaves  wetted  properly with spray solution.
·         Heliothis: For managing Heliothis, spray chilli garlic solution or Bhramasthram. For mass trapping arrange 5 – 10 pheromone traps
·         Spodoptera: Arrange 5 – 10 spodopter Pheromone traps per acre, 45 days after sowing.
·         Pink boll worm: For managing pink boll worm, spray Agni asthram, remove the affected bolls and destroy larvae by keeping it in fire.
·         Spotted bollworm: For managing spotted boll worm spray5 % NSKE solution or  Agnisthram

Non-negotiables in Maize:

·         Deep summer ploughing: Summer ploughing exposes the pupae surviving inside the soil. Depth of ploughing should be more than 6 inches. Exposed pupae will die due to excess heat (or) eaten away by birds
·         Growing of trap crops: Grow yellow flower Marigold (tall growing plants are preferred) and Castor around field, ensure flowering before main crop completes vegetative stage
·         Border crop: Sow 3 rows of tall growing Jowar or Bajra or Maize (without any gap in the row). This will provide enabling environment for friendly insects and it also prevents
·         Seed treatment: Take ½ lt. of Cow urine, 250 gms of cow dung and 250 gms. of living Soil (putta matti) mix thoroughly and mix to 5-6 kg seeds, after thorough mixing dry in shade
·         White and Yellow sticky traps: Arrange 15-20 Yellow and White sticky traps per acre. Green leaf hoppers and thrips stick to these traps. Clean these traps once in two days and add sticky material to traps for effective trapping. Height of these traps should be the same with the plant height. 
·         Bird perches: Arrange 10-15 bird perches per acre immediately after transplanting and remove these at grain filling stage (60 days after transplanting). Bird perches will attract birds and birds will eat pests. Broad costing of yellow rice will attract more birds. Height of bird perches should be more than the height of plants.
·         Pheromone traps: Keeping 5-10 Pheromone traps in zigzag way to mass trapping of boll worms. Lure has to be changed once in a month or after the expiry date   

Non pesticide Management:

·         Sucking pests: For managing sucking pests (mites and aphids) spray 5 % NSKE solution, Neemasthram and Tobacco leaf extract.
·         Stem borer: For managing stem borer spray Agnisthram.
·         Growing of Trap crops: Grow yellow flower Marigold (tall growing plants are preferred) and Castor around field, ensure flowering before main crop completes vegetative stage
·         Border crop: Sow 3 rows of tall growing Jowar or Bajra or Maize (without any gap in the row). This will provide enabling environment for friendly insects and it also prevents
·         Seed treatment: Take ½ lt. of Cow urine, 250 gms of cow dung and 250 gms. of living Soil (putta matti) mix thoroughly and mix to 5-6 kg seeds, after thorough mixing dry in shade
·         White and Yellow sticky traps: Arrange 15-20 Yellow and White sticky traps per acre. Green leaf hoppers and thrips stick to these traps. Clean these traps once in two days and add sticky material to traps for effective trapping. Height of these traps should be the same with the plant height. 
·         Bird perches: Arrange 10-15 bird perches per acre immediately after transplanting and remove these at grain filling stage (60 days after transplanting). Bird perches will attract birds and birds will eat pests. Broad costing of yellow rice will attract more birds. Height of bird perches should be more than the height of plants.
·         Pheromone traps: Keeping 5-10 Pheromone traps in zigzag way to mass trapping of boll worms. Lure has to be changed once in a month or after the expiry date   
·         Seed treatment: Take 60-75 kg seeds per acre and mix with 2 lt. cow urine, 1kg. Cow dung, 1 kg. soil (putta matti), after thorough mixing dry in shade.Or mix seeds with 2 lt. cow urine, 1 stick ash and 50 gm. of Acetofida and dry in shade.

Pest and Disease management:

·         Red Hairy Caterpillar: Community bonfires are playing effective role in controlling Red hairy caterpillar. If the intensity is more, spray chilli garlic or Brahmasthram.
·         Root grub: Remove compost pits in the vicinity of the field. Remove ber trees around the field as it is of the host tree for root grub. Add 1-2 quintals neem cake in last ploughing.
·         Leaf folder: For managing leaf folder spray 5 % NSKE solution ( 5 kg neem seeds in 100 lt. water) or Neemasthram. Arrange Delta traps 10 per acre.
·         Spodptera: For managing spodoptera spray Bhramasthram or Chilli Garlic solution. Remove egg masses on the back side of leaves (ground nut leaves and caster leaves).
·         Sucking pests: For managing sucking pests(thrips,aphids and green leaf hoppers ) spray 5 % NSKE solution (5 kg neem seeds in 100 lt. water) or Neemasthram. Arrange 10-15 yellow and white sticky traps per acre.
·         Tikka leaf spot: For managing Tikka leaf spot and rust, spray cow dung & cow urine and Acetofida solution (or) fermented butter milk (6 lt. in 100 lt. water).
·         Stem rot and Root rot: For managing stem rot and root rot add 1-2 quintals neem cake in final ploughing.
·         Bud necrosis: as a precautionary measure arrange 20 white sticky traps immediately after germination. Spray 5 % NSKE solution (5 kg neem seeds in 100 lt. water) or neem oil or Neemasthram.
·         Deep summer ploughing: Summer ploughing exposes the pupae surviving inside the soil. Depth of ploughing should be more than 6 inches. Exposed pupae will die due to excess heat (or) eaten away by birds
·         Growing of Trap crops: Grow yellow flower Marigold (tall growing plants are preferred) and Castor around field, ensure flowering before main crop completes vegetative stage
·         Border crop: Sow 3 rows of tall growing Jowar or Bajra or Maize (without any gap in the row). This will provide enabling environment for friendly insects and it also prevents
·         Seed treatment: Take ½ lt. of Cow urine, 250 gms of cow dung and 250 gms. of living Soil (putta matti) mix thoroughly and mix to 5-6 kg seeds, after thorough mixing dry in shade
·         White and Yellow sticky traps: Arrange 15-20 Yellow and White sticky traps per acre. Green leaf hoppers and thrips stick to these traps. Clean these traps once in two days and add sticky material to traps for effective trapping. Height of these traps should be the same with the plant height. 
·         Bird perches: Arrange 10-15 bird perches per acre immediately after transplanting and remove these at grain filling stage (60 days after transplanting). Bird perches will attract birds and birds will eat pests. Broad costing of yellow rice will attract more birds. Height of bird perches should be more than the height of plants.
·         Seed treatment: Take 60-75 kg seeds per acre and mix with 2 lt. cow urine, 1kg. Cow dung, 1 kg. soil (putta matti), after thorough mixing dry in shade.Or mix seeds with 2 lt. cow urine, 1 stick ash and 50 gm. of Acetofida and dry in shade.

Pest and Disease management:

·         Sucking pests: For managing sucking pests (green leaf hopper, white fly and thrips) Spray 5 % NSKE solution (5 kg neem seeds in 100 lt. water) or neem oil (1 lt. per acre) or Neemasthram.
·         Leaf and head eating heliothis: For managing leaf and head eating heliothis, spray Bhramasthram or Chilli Garlic solution.
·         Alterneria leaf spot: For managing Alternaria leaf spot spray cow dung & cow urine and Acetofida solution (or) fermented butter milk (6 lt. in 100 lt. water).
·         Necrosis: Spreads through thrips. Hence we need to control thrips, for managing thrips Spray 5 % NSKE solution (5 kg neem seeds in 100 lt. water) or Neemasthram or neem oil (1 lt. per acre). Arrange white sticky traps. For managing virus spray 6 lt. raw milk with 100 lt. water.
·         Birds: For protecting crop from birds arrange reflecting ribbons at 1 feet height to crop in north –south direction , so ribbons will reflect with fallen sun shine.