Saturday, May 28, 2011

Rain fed Agriculture – Problems

Rain fed agriculture is defined as “areas with less than 25% of assured irrigation and with annual rainfall of 500-1500mm.

Following are the Problems of Rain fed agriculture:

1.     Low gross cropped area: Due to inadequate irrigation facilities and low rainfall, most of the area under rain fed cultivation kept fallow. Only 66% of the area is cultivated every year.

2.     Risk: As the agriculture is depended heavily on rains, risk is increasing. Amount rainfall, frequency of rainfall and untimely rains increases risk in rain fed areas

3.     Crust formation: One of the biggest challenges in rain fed agriculture is crust formation. As there is little or no moisture in the soil coupled with low organic carbon make the top soil become hard for cultivation

4.     Soil erosion: Wind and water are the common factors contributing for soil erosion. Lack of proper erosion control measures leads to loss of top soil. A study in Ananthapur reveals that on average every year 4tons of top soil is eroded due to wind erosion.

5.     Low organic carbon content: All most all rain fed soils are poor in organic carbon content, which is the important factor minimizing the productivity.

6.     Depletion of ground water: Over exploitation of ground water to irrigate crops particularly Paddy is another problem. Absence of ground water recharging aggravates the problem.

7.     Salinity and alkalinity:  Salinity and alkalinity due to accumulation of slats is another factor limiting the productivity levels.    


  1. Hi Jayaram,

    I've recently launched Jagriti Agro Tech and we are piloting in eastern Uttar Pradesh at the moment. Our aim is to promote sustainable farming among small farmers, and develop a model that makes it financially lucrative as well. This will be done by a combination of low-budget but high productivity farming, and market linkages.

    We are a small team, and the motivation behind the company was to make small farmers financial sustainable as we believe that will be a great way to kickstart overall rural development. We are looking for some help on the technical side of things (we don't have agriculture degrees or backgrounds). A lot of what you mention on your blog is along the lines of what we are implementing in our pilot, and you mention you consult as well. I thought it might be valuable for both of us to have a conversation. Please get in touch if this sounds interesting to you, and we can have a chat over the phone.


    1. hey i am interested
      pls mail me at
