Friday, November 22, 2013

Solutions for reducing gestation Period and increasing productivity of Turmeric in Paderu

Current practices of Paderu farmers:

Land preparation
2-3 times ploughing the soil
Local variety
4-5 times depends on the weeds
Rain fed
Soil fertility
Very low FYM
Pest and disease management
Crop rotation
Inter crops
Piper langa + Maize + Cow pea +Red gram + castor

Solutions for Paderu turmeric farmers:

Furrows and Ridges:

Paderu soils are shallow and Turmeric plant requires loose soils with considerable depth for Rhizome development. The land should be thoroughly ploughed (4-6 times) to bring the soil to a fine tilth. Ridges and furrows with 45-60cm height and 25-30cms depth. Optimum spacing for sowing of Turmeric is 20cms between plants. Piper langa can be planted in the furrows.

Heavy manuring:

Turmeric needs heavy manuring, light soils requires more manuring than the heavy soils. Following table suggests the manuring details:

Quantity per acre
When to apply
Goat / cattle penning
Two days and one night
April - May
Farm Yard Manure/ Nadep compost
15 tons
After Ploughing as basal dressing
Neem cake / Castor cake
2.5 Qtls
After Ploughing as basal dressing
Neem cake / Castor cake
2.5 qtls
40 days after transplantation
5 qtls
80 days after transplantation
5 qtls
120 days after transplantation
Drava jeevamrutham
With each irrigation

Frequent irrigation:

Turmeric requires frequent irrigation. As Paderu soils are light soils, it requires 20 – 25 irrigation during the crop period. One or two ring wells may dug up to provide regular irrigation. Drip irrigation will lead to higher yields. Following stages are critical stages for irrigation:

A. Germination stage

B. Tillering stage

C. Rhaizome initiation stage

D. Rhizome development stage


Mulching with green /dried leaves, live mulch with creepers is essential for germination, check weed growth and to conserve soil moisture. Mulching with Dhaincha, Sunhemp, glyricidia are the best leaves for mulching.

Inter crops:

Currently Paderu farmers are using Piper langa as inter crop in Turmeric. They can include Chillies, brinjal, Maize and Ragi.

Partial shading:

Turmeric loves partial shade. As long term strategy Jack fruit /Mango can be promoted in Turmeric fields. This will help in increasing income and also works as risk mitigation measure.

 Replacement of planting material:

As Paderu farmers using same planting material for last 20-25 years, it is time to replace the planting material. They may gradually replace the planting material with planting material from Seethampeta (Similar conditions).

Crop rotation:

Crop rotation is very critical for enhancing yield and to conserve soil fertility. Crop rotation may be done with vegetables. 


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